Tuesday, January 25

what is this?

Don't know what its about but I'm most definitely in love with this trailer.

And maybe Ryan Gosling, too.
Must research. Right now.

Monday, January 24

music for your Monday

Paper Cities by Other Lives.

I was running through the park in the rain last week when this started playing on my ipod. That's the beautiful thing about shuffle, you can completely forget about a song and then it will randomly pop back up from out of nowhere.

Friday, January 21

as promised

nothing spectacular, but it's a decent start to a fairly long dry spell. Went for a walk the other day. It was lovely out.

Monday, January 17

it is time

for the photography slump/funk to end.

me + camera = reunited in photography bliss

By the way. That's my cat. I miss him.

Tuesday, January 4

au revoir 2010

Not gonna lie, 2010 was pretty good to me. Sure, it had some rough spots, but isn't that just how life goes?

I rang in 2010 with great friends and new confidence.

Celebrated with friends for good reasons, sometimes for no reasons at all.

Moved out and into a brand new city.

Got a new job.

Spent a lot of time on public transit.

And rang in the new year with new friends.

I'm so excited for 2011 and the new promises it brings.

Monday, January 3

music for your Monday

I know this song is old news, but it's been my favorite listen for dancing around my living room and ringing in the new year.