Tuesday, January 26


Last summer my mom came home from a garage sale with a huge box full of old photographs. And of course I permanently borrowed some.

When I look at these,
I wonder who they were.
What was their story?

I suppose I'll never know their reality. But it's fun dreaming them up.

Like this girl?
In my imagination, she's full of spunk. The slightly quirky girl that everyone adores and wishes they could be.
Shop Girl

And these girls?
Fifty years later they still get together every Wednesday to gossip.

This woman has traveled the world. But nothing makes her feel quite as good as coming home to her cactus garden.
Painted Cactus Lady


  1. i love these!

    and it reminds me....
    that i still cant find those old photos!!!

  2. i LOVE going through old photos! that first is definitely the best from these images. and i like that you "permanently borrowed" these from your mom. ^_^

    i once went thru goodwill in LA and found the 4th harry potter book for 3 bucks. while i was there, i saw a photo album full of awesome 70s/80s photos. there were 2 pictures i really wanted... i pulled them out and stuffed them into my harry potter book! :P

    they're now on my shelves for display ^_^

  3. ps, your comment on my she&him post. SO funny! but i'm glad that you're okay!!! i'll totally be thinking of you when i'm there. :D

  4. I love you for this...I collected old photos when I was in high school. I used them as inspiration for writing short stories.

  5. Those are great pictures. It's so fun to create a story for someone else. I'll bet that last woman makes mean guacamole, but hates to bake.

  6. i love this post. i love your insight. i wanna be that slightly spunky girl too!

  7. These pictures are amazing! Plus, I laughed at the Cactus Garden explanation. If I had a cactus garden, I would happily return to it too.
